Dienstag, 10. Januar 2017

Luhan`s sex scene in his new movie exposed

Luhan took his appearance on Incarnation as an opportunity to explain some of his more controversial actions, namely last week`s sex scene. Last week, Chinese tabloid Friday published bed photos and an account from a woman who claimed to have had a one night stand with the idol while he was residing in the country working on some solo projects. On Tuesday Luhan openly addressed the situation saying, "I came on the show because I thought I should let the public know what happened during the scandal." He explained, "It was the first time in history that an idol became the center of a scandal like that. The magazine I was published in is very famous - they don't even bother talking about anyone who is not famous." Speaking earnestly, Luhan continued, "It was my first scandal and it was so big - I was scared and shocked." Here`s the video of the scene If the video won1t show click down bwlow

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