Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2016

18 and pregnant.. With Luhan's baby..

You looked at the clock in frustration. It was half past six and Luhan had promised to come home early that day. The two of you were going to the doctor for your routine checkup. He hadn’t come to the last three for which he apologized many times. You had no idea he was going to do the same this time. He finally entered the house around seven. You couldn’t read his expressions because your brain was occupied with the fury. “One time! One time I tell you do something and this is what you do!” you yelled. Luhan jumped a little at your sudden attack. He looked at his watch and then at you trying to remember if he was missing something. “Is..everything alright?” he asked. You could hear slight annoyance in his voice. It made you more mad because he had no right to be upset when you had spent an hour waiting for him. “You’re kidding me right?” you asked getting up with great effort. You were seven months pregnant therefore little things like these made you really frustrated. “You were supposed to take me to the doctor today.” Luhan smacked his forehead, embarrassed at what he had done. He advanced towards you, apology painted on his face. “I am so sorry,” he said trying to hold you. “Sorry isn’t enough,” you pushed him back. “This isn’t the first time Luhan.” “What do you mean?” he asked getting defensive. “Can’t you see? You are never home. Every time I need something I have to ask you five times before you actually go get it. You don’t remember important dates even when I mark them on the calendar. You are never there when I go to the doctor and … to be honest we haven’t even started planning for what our life will be like when this baby comes into this world.” “You’re making it sound like I don’t care at all,” Luhan countered your argument. “YES! That is what I am trying to say,” you emphasized. “What are you talking about? I have never shown that I don’t care about our baby.” You scoffed at him. “Do you remember the day I told you I was pregnant? You nearly collapsed. Most people are happy but you… you seemed so …devastated.” “___________ I think we already talked about it. My reaction was not mature but I apologized for that. I am really happy that you are having this baby,” he said. “I am having this baby? What happened to we are having this baby? … this is what your problem is. You are not looking forward to us becoming a family.” “I am! Don’t accuse me of such stuff.” “I will accuse you!!” you yelled losing your patience. You just wished he would listen instead of countering everything you were saying. He had shown little to no responsibility towards the baby and yet he claimed to that he was there with you. “Have you ever bothered asking how my day was when you come home? Have you ever asked how I may be feeling? If I need something? What the doctor said? You don’t care at all. It makes me wish I wasn’t having this baby… because then you would be the old Luhan, who cared about all my needs.” “Do you hear yourself? You’re being so selfish,” Luhan snickered. “I am NOT being selfish. You just don’t care and you’re being irrational.” “All of this started from me not coming home on time. Okay let me just go make another appointment.” “That’s not what this is about and you know that too,” you pulled him back. It was as if you were looking for a fight that day. But in reality you wanted answers to all your questions. They were creeping up on you. You were afraid Luhan wasn’t ready. He didn’t want the baby and he might leave you. “Stop it,” Luhan pushed your hand back. “I don’t need you to tell me what to do.” His tone was harsh and his voice louder than usual. “Why do you have to blow everything out of proportion? What the heck is your problem? I am trying to fix things over here and it seems as if you don’t want that. I am getting tired of your whining everyday ____________. Either you stop this or you ….” He stopped realizing he had said too much. Tears started coming out of your eyes. Luhan tried to hold you but you pushed him back. “_________,” he called your name. “I didn’t mean to…” “Don’t,” you refused his hand once again. The front door was still open. Without thinking twice you left, smashing the door behind you. ************************************************* Luhan stood in the empty room still trying to make sense of what had happened in only a few minutes. Did you really leave? Were you going to come back? He had no idea how something so small could create a chaos as big as this. He felt like he had lost a part of himself. You guys were so happy just a few months ago then suddenly what happened? He asked himself all these questions. He was confused but he knew one thing for sure and that was that he didn’t want to lose you. Luhan ran out of the house looking for you. ************************************************** “_________! __________ stop!!” you heard Luhan from behind. He caught up to you. You could tell that his eyes had shed a few tears. He seemed worried, scared and flustered. “What do you think you’re doing?” he asked hugging you tightly. “Just because I am stupid doesn’t mean you leave me like this.” You didn’t say anything but instead hugged him tightly. You started to cry again. “I am sorry for never being there. I do want this baby _________, I’m just a little scared. Please don’t.. leave.” He pulled away and cupped your face in his hands. “Why would you think I don’t care about you enough? I do care about you… it’s just really hard to show sometimes. I promise I’ll put in more effort taking care of you and our child.” He placed his hand on your stomach trying to comfort you. “If there’s one thing I am sure of, it’s that I never want to lose you or our baby.” Luhan wiped your tears and gave you a kiss. You smiled faintly as he put his arms around you once again. In your heart you hoped he would change for the better this time. You knew he had a tender heart and you also knew he would never give up on you. He just needed a little push. ______________________________________________ Luhan is such a cutie. I can’t imagine him being mean to his pregnant wife. But still I wrote this since it was requested. I hope you guys like it :) Happy reading.

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